🍁 Fall program has arrived ⚽️ Pinnacles Excelsior program @kings park Penticton. Please sign up by visiting the pinnacles office inside the Soccer dome at kings park from 9:30am-12:30pm Friday the 30th of August and Tuesday the 3rd of September 1pm-430pm. You can also sign up by email: Signuppinnacles@yahoo.com Name of child, boy or girl…

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Urgent 🚨 notice – calling all coaches and volunteer coaches. We need to gather an email list to all players due to loss of all members email addresses. Can we please meet for a coaches meeting at kings park at 745-845pm Tuesday 20th of August. Details of Fall soccer and program will be provided. Please…

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Pleas click or copy the the link to read the new byl-aws.   https://docs.google.com/document/d/11suwar_bOeJyyF-3JErkqkDmXO6j2QP1vvzQ5d3c7mc/pub

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